Frequently asked questions about nylon recycling line

1- I need a recycling line….

What do you need the recycling line for? Nylon, PET, electronic parts, paper, body and varnish or others?

2- For nylon, I need…

Nylon waste tuition or four-color agriculture?

3- For urban waste….

Declare the load capacity

4- What is the maximum and minimum capacity? I just want to start…

The maximum capacity for an automatic line is 5 tons and at least 1 ton of municipal waste

5- How many crafts does the production line include?

It depends on your request. The fully automatic line consists of approximately 13 machines

6- How many amperes does a fully automatic line need?

The fully automatic line requires approximately 200 amps of three-phase electricity

7- Is a sword or hammer mill better?

Compared to barton, we recommend a sword mill

8- Do you have a granule machine?

No, but we can get it for you from a colleague

9- How much space do we need?

The required space is 400 meters and the storage capacity is approximately 1000 to 2000 meters.

10- How much water do we need?

It depends on how dirty you are. If you want to have a uniform and odorless load, you need to change the water in the tub every two or three days

11- Is there always a buyer?

Yes, there is always a buyer, we have groups for buying and selling, and you can refer to Iran Waste website

12- How long does the device have a warranty?

Devices have a one-year unconditional warranty on mechanical parts

13- What brand is the engine of the devices?

The engines of all machines are first-class Chinese Kajili, Canglo, Arsem. If you need an Iranian butogen engine, we will exchange it for you.

14-What gender are the blades of the mill?

All mill blades are made of 7176 spring steel

15- Do we have a better blade?

We have them, which are about 5 times more expensive than springs and not affordable at all. SPK and MO40, yes, blades.

16- Where is the device bearing?

First class Chinese SN or SNL bearings of all brands

17- Can we play again with this line?

yes we can You just have to blue the load and replace the net of the device

18- Does Tori have spare parts?

According to your order, we will make a tour for you every time

19- What is the number of the spring centrifuge net?

The mesh of the spring centrifuge is 2 mils thick and galvanized

20- How many thousand liters of water does the bathtub take?

Our washing tub takes 10250 liters of water, which are big 6 meter tubs

21- How many meters does the dryer have?

60 meter dryer has a pipe that is divided into two 30 meter sections or two 30 meter boxes, each box has a separate burner.

22- Are the line burners gas or diesel?

According to your request and the facilities of your infrastructure, we will send you a torch, which we usually use a gas torch

23- Does the centrifuge dry nylon water?

The horizontal centrifuge dehydrates up to 80% of the load, and experience has shown that the thicker the load, the better it dries.

24- Draw the table of engines of devices.


Tubular dryer


Center 240

And that

mud trap



60 HP

20 HP/3000RPM

10 HP

50 HP

5.5 HP

5.5 HP

10 HP

50 HP
